Juego: Disparale

Página de inicio / Juegos de Lucha / Juegos de Disparos / Disparale Juego (Shoot It)


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Votos totales:  18 . Le gusta al: 88.89% .
Votos totales: 18 . Le gusta al: 88.89% .
Descripción del juego Disparale:
Shoot It is the awesome tactical shooting game in which you must destroy structures suing the projectiles that you have in your inventory. Each structure will need to be demolished with the number projectiles that you have available. Note that you will have less projectiles than number of objects within a structure meaning that you will have to pick your shots wisely.

There are 15 cool levels to play all using the laws of physics to allow you to complete them correctly. Really excel by planning your shots to cause chain reactions that destroy the structure quicker. Good luck!

Play Shoot It with your mouse, tablet, iPad, iPhone or mobile phone


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