Juego: Quantum Zombies

Página de inicio / Juegos de Lucha / Juegos de Zombies / Quantum Zombies Juego (Quantum Zombies)


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Votos totales:  10 . Le gusta al: 100% .
Votos totales: 10 . Le gusta al: 100% .
Descripción del juego Quantum Zombies:
In the not so distant future all hope is lost as a zombie outbreak has devastated the worlds population, extinguished all resources and destroyed any hope of recovery. Until a quirky yet brilliant professor develops a time machine with the hope of changing everything. As he prepares to make everything right an unfortunate accident sends one lone zombie into the past to change the future forever! With his mistake now threatening everything he must team up with a medieval hero while traveling through time in an attempt to destroy all traces of the infestation.

Arrows = Move
A,S,D = Attack


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