Juego: Smokin Barrels 2

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Votos totales:  45 . Le gusta al: 71.11% .
Votos totales: 45 . Le gusta al: 71.11% .
Descripción del juego Smokin Barrels 2:
It's time to prove that you're the best cowboy around! Wait for the right moment to strike, then hit the middle of your target to deal maximum damage. Travel long and wide across the Wild West ready to take out all the outlaws that killed your friends. 30 bandits want your head and you got some bullets for each of them. 19 upgrades and consumables are there to get you drunk and strong for the 30 missions you must complete in your wild west adventure! The economy is tough here so work your way around with 3 mini-games that might get you some cash. Each bullet counts, each job is rewarded! Will you be able to unlock all upgrades in this game?

Play Smokin Barrels 2 with your mouse.


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